
Over 1,500 vehicles exported via Torugart Port in Xinjiang in first two months


Over 1,500 vehicles exported via Torugart Port in Xinjiang in first two months

2024-02-25 19:25:32 來源:Ecns.cn
A truck passes through the Torugart Entry-exit Border Checkpoint. (Photo for China News Network)A truck passes through the Torugart Entry-exit Border Checkpoint. (Photo for China News Network)

(ECNS) -- Fifty new vehicles left the Torugart Port in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region for Kyrgyzstan on Wednesday。 

The clearance of this batch of vehicles means the export of commodity vehicles through the Torugart Port this year exceeded 1,500。 

Torugart Port opened in 1881。 It is one of the two land ports between China and Kyrgyzstan, linking the Naryn Region in eastern Kyrgyzstan。

The port is 62 kilometers from Artux, capital of the Kezilesu Kirgiz Autonomous prefecture, 109 kilometers from the China-Kyrgyzstan border, and 620 kilometers from Bishkek。

Thanks to its location, it has been an important historical gateway for China to trade with countries from Central Asia, Western Asia, and Europe。

Following the Spring Festival, the Torugart Entry-exit Border Checkpoint took effective measures to ensure efficient customs clearance of export vehicles and help port enterprises resume production。

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